Thursday, May 2, 2013

Stuff, an about us.

Well I figured I might as well introduce myself and my family.

   There is me a quirky, generally happy goofball. My husband, who is mostly the same. We will call him Dad. We have a three year old son we call him Toad. We also have a dog, Dusty who is a pit bull. A cat Pooka, two bunnies Marvin and Spooky, 2 parakeets Cameo and Sunny, and an aquarium with 2 fan tail Goldfish, 3 shrimp, 2 Chinese algae eaters,  and a female betta. Its a zoo. 

   Since a big part of this blog is going to be about my son Toad I feel I should expand on that. He is three, loves blocks, cars, baths, bedtime (strange we know), and various movies. He can quote The Lorax start to finish. I think he's AWESOME.

    He also has several diagnosis' that are troublesome. The first one came at about 3 months of age FTT or failure to thrive. He never gained weight like a normal kid. He was born at a normal weight. By one he was 16lbs, 2 he was 20, and 3 he is tipping the scales at a whopping 27lbs. He is actually for the first time since he was 6 months old back on the growth chart so I am happy about that! 

   The second and third are directly related to the first he has reflux, still to this day. He takes medicine twice a day for that and boy can you tell if we miss a dose. The third is DGE or delayed gastric emptying. So he digests slower then normal he also takes a medicine for that to stimulate his appetite.

   The fourth isn't official yet, but I'm sure of it and at some point it will be. He falls on the Autism spectrum. Its not easy to talk about, mainly because it throws everything in the future out of whack. At three there is no way to tell how effected a kid is. So at this point we don't know if he is even capable of living an independent life....ever. So we plan for the best.  He is smart, he can talk so these are good signs.  He just doesn't communicate....when he talks its imitating what he hears, either immediately or hours or days afterwards. So as I said he can recite the whole Lorax movie songs and all..... he can't tell me if he wants juice or milk, if his foot hurts or if he wants outside.   

   On Monday he starts preschool and they are going to be working on this with him, along with a bunch more things. It terrifies me, its the first sign of him growing up and I just want to keep him my baby forever.

   Something else that terrifies me.... this : 92% of kids with autism wander. As in they leave the house without a word. The leading cause of death for people with autism is drowning, they are attracted to water. They also don't perceive danger the way a normal person does. So here I am with a three year old who has a high probability of wandering off, isn't scared of much, living on a busy road 5 blocks from a lake with a bad undertow.... door alarms and GPS tracking units here we come.

That is all I have for now....till then stay strong.

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